Email Client Changes

We’ve seen several clients recently change their email client – without letting us know.   Not good!   In most case, we need to make changes to your account or domain records when you change your email client.  This includes clients with mail forwarding...

Scheduled Maintenance

Evenings from 12/26-12/31 there will be brief downtime on servers as we perform maintenance and or updates.

The Real Value We Provide…

At RMG we don’t toot our own horn very often, but we thought we would pass along this post from Elegant Themes our theme partner. It outlines the “true” costs of running a website.  Since we aggregate most of these costs and spread them out among our...

New Security Measure

Round Mountain Group has begun locking down WordPress backends from login from all but trusted locations and/or networks. Affected clients will be notified as needed. If you receive a “Denied” message while logging into your back end, let us know ASAP and...

RMG Launching New Phone System

To speed up connections for our clients and prospective clients,  The Round Mountain Group has implemented a cloud based virtual PBX system.  It supports our current operations and allows for nearly unlimited, incremental growth potential. It even supports music on...